What process do you undertake when you have to make decisions?
Last week, two of my former students came by the school library to work on course selection for their final year of high school. These are two wonderful teenagers whom I admire greatly and I enjoy acting as a sounding board as they contemplate what classes they want to take. One of them has a harder time choosing and agonizes over each choice. We made pro/con lists, established criteria (i.e. high marks in Grade 11 version / subjects enjoyed the most / etc.), examined university guides to ensure no doors of opportunity were closing because of dismissing certain options, and used all sorts of tools and strategies to help select the subjects. He let me know that he picked a full roster by the allotted deadline, but that, like last year, he'll probably switch a course or two in May and worry whether or not he made the right choice.
Well, it turns out that I'm in a similar situation, and like my teen counterpart, I'm agonizing over the decision making process. I've printed out the information I need to consider, made pro/con lists in my head, considered what consequences (both positive and negative) there will be for different stakeholders besides and including myself for Choice A and Choice B, and used one of my favourite (but probably least-helpful) strategies: I've asked other people for their opinions. The problem is, there's no consensus. Although everyone says to do whatever I think is best, feelings are split down the middle between Choice A and B. Like my former student, I have a feeling I know what decision I'll make, but I will still worry whether or not I made the right choice, for the right reasons.
This blog post doesn't have any words of wisdom or gems learned from trial and error - just an admission that making decisions can be really hard.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
Do Over
Happy Family Day to all those in Ontario!
I'm still marking those media tie-in projects that I wrote about last week (and chasing students who haven't handed in portions of the assignment), but as a nice balance and contrast to last week's post, I wanted to talk about a lesson that totally tanked. I told a version to this story to a good friend of mine, a friend that makes me feel like I learn from every conversation we have - but before I launch off on a tangent that's an ode to my colleague, let me refocus to my teaching strike-out.
Are you ever in the middle of a lesson and you know it is just not working? My media lesson on laugh tracks was a perfect example. The lesson was crashing and burning right before my eyes and all the little tricks teachers do sometimes to try and reset things were not working. Frustrated and disappointed (with myself and with the students), I stopped the task and brought the whole group to the carpet. I announced to the primary grade students present, "Boys and girls, I think this lesson bombed. I think it's partially your fault and it's partially my fault. Sorry."
I think the group was a little startled to hear this admission. They asked if I had ever had lessons bomb before and I admitted it. They wanted to know the worst lesson bomb so I briefly described a lesson I did when I was a student teacher where a student slapped another in the face right in the middle of the class. The recess bell rang shortly afterwards and we went our separate ways.
The wonderful thing about being a teacher-librarian is that sometimes, I get the opportunity to have a "do-over". Unfortunately, I couldn't turn back the clock and repair the mistakes I realized I made in that lesson with the first class, but I was scheduled to teach the same lesson with a different class the next day. I changed the plan (did some more modelling with a concrete example, used more visuals, changed the small group task to a whole group activity, gave away my leadership to students for a certain section, shortened the time for parts, etc.).
The changes worked! Naturally, class dynamics being what they are, things did not proceed as perfectly as some of the "best practices" sample classes we might see on the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat videos. (This other class is "full of beans" and the concrete example made them so excited that it was harder to calm them down.) However, I think that this class understood the concept and the end product was quite impressive. I know life doesn't often give us "do over" chances, but it's nice to steal those moments when you can and improve.
I'm still marking those media tie-in projects that I wrote about last week (and chasing students who haven't handed in portions of the assignment), but as a nice balance and contrast to last week's post, I wanted to talk about a lesson that totally tanked. I told a version to this story to a good friend of mine, a friend that makes me feel like I learn from every conversation we have - but before I launch off on a tangent that's an ode to my colleague, let me refocus to my teaching strike-out.
Are you ever in the middle of a lesson and you know it is just not working? My media lesson on laugh tracks was a perfect example. The lesson was crashing and burning right before my eyes and all the little tricks teachers do sometimes to try and reset things were not working. Frustrated and disappointed (with myself and with the students), I stopped the task and brought the whole group to the carpet. I announced to the primary grade students present, "Boys and girls, I think this lesson bombed. I think it's partially your fault and it's partially my fault. Sorry."
I think the group was a little startled to hear this admission. They asked if I had ever had lessons bomb before and I admitted it. They wanted to know the worst lesson bomb so I briefly described a lesson I did when I was a student teacher where a student slapped another in the face right in the middle of the class. The recess bell rang shortly afterwards and we went our separate ways.
The wonderful thing about being a teacher-librarian is that sometimes, I get the opportunity to have a "do-over". Unfortunately, I couldn't turn back the clock and repair the mistakes I realized I made in that lesson with the first class, but I was scheduled to teach the same lesson with a different class the next day. I changed the plan (did some more modelling with a concrete example, used more visuals, changed the small group task to a whole group activity, gave away my leadership to students for a certain section, shortened the time for parts, etc.).
The changes worked! Naturally, class dynamics being what they are, things did not proceed as perfectly as some of the "best practices" sample classes we might see on the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat videos. (This other class is "full of beans" and the concrete example made them so excited that it was harder to calm them down.) However, I think that this class understood the concept and the end product was quite impressive. I know life doesn't often give us "do over" chances, but it's nice to steal those moments when you can and improve.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Media Tie-In Task Breaks my Expectations
Along the left side of this post, you will see just a small sample of the many projects students shared as part of this task.
One class was very eager to take this project to a different level.
"Can we sell our things?", they asked.
"Instead of getting money, why don't you have people barter? Act like a trading post - see what goods or services people will offer in exchange for your product?"
One of the kindergarten teachers retold his experience with the enterprising students. (This is just an approximate quote.): "I offered them one mood ring for two cookies, and they counter-offered me! They said they'd accept two mood rings for two cookies, because two of them made the cookies. I asked them if they'd just share the ring - one girl could wear it Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and the other could have it from Thursday to Sunday, but they said no. I told them I'd have to consider their deal. I counter-offered them - two mood rings for three cookies, but they declined. We finally settled on two cookies for two rings."
Thursday, February 7, 2013
OLA Supercon 2013 Photos Pt 3
These are samples from my camera from the final day of OLA Superconference, Saturday February 2, 2013. The middle 11 shots are poster sessions from the T4L website launch.
Carol Koechlin & Isabelle Hobbs celebrate the T4L launch! |
Larry Moore shows the official award T4L received |
Steven Page's library fines have been waived! |
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
OLA Supercon 2013 Photos Pt 2
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
OLA Supercon 2013 Photos Pt 1
Yesterday you read the reflections. Today you get the photographic evidence from OLA Superconference 2013. These photos are just from Thursday, January 31, 2013.
Me and the Gruffalo at Vikki VanSickle's session (#416) |
Eating with Maria Martella at the ACP luncheon |
Jo-Anne Gibson shares banned titles at her session (#618) |
June Rysinski, TL of the Year & her principal |
Isabelle Hobbs, Elizabeth Gordon, James Saunders, Deanna Harron & her nominator |
Troy Mackenzie, 2nd from far right, accepts his Admin of the Year prize |
James, Elizabeth, Isabelle and Anita Brooks-Kirkland, award winner |
OSLA Program Coordinators Lauren & Richard prior to rushing the stage |
The 3 winners: June, Anita & Troy |
Monday, February 4, 2013
OLA Superconference 2013 Thoughts
Ontario Library Association Super Conference 2013
Entertain, Educate, Empower: The Ultimate Library Experience
Conference Reflections by Diana Maliszewski
Thursday, January 31, 2013 – 9:05 a.m.
Session #316: Grit Lit: YA Fiction that Pushes Boundaries by
Maria and Jim Martella
Summary = Maria, owner of Tinlids Inc. and her brother Jim,
an 8th grade teacher, shared some great titles of books with
challenging issues and topics.
3 Key Points·
There are many great books out there (some that
Maria mentioned included The Reluctant
Journal of Henry K Larsen by Susan Nielsen, What Happened to Ivy and Becoming Ruby by Kathy Stinson, Speak and Winter Girls by Laurie Halsey Anderson, The Fault in our Stars by John Green, Falling For You by Lisa Schroeder, Beauty Queens and The
Dividers by Libba Bray, Stolen by
Lucy Christopher, My Book of Life by
Angel by Martinez Levittown, Burning Blue by Paul Griffin, Nix Minus One by Jill Maclean, 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher, Annie on my Mind by Nancy Garden, Every Day by David Leviathan, etc.) - any errors in title or authors are mine,
since I took notes on my iPad and it self-corrected typing
- · Students crave to read about these powerful stories; Jim described how students in his class did all those “school-y” things like making connections unprompted because the subject matter was so gripping (they found songs and music videos that reflected the themes they read)
- · Protagonists in these type of books are not privileged, so it is important to show kids with “first world problems” what life is really like for some people (the audience survey mid-presentation demonstrated that kids have always sought to read “mature” books even when the content disturbs them a bit)
What? Now What? = I’m going to see how many of these titles I own (Maria said
these books were acceptable for Grades 7 +) and after consulting some of my
voracious pre-teen readers, I’ll purchase some.
Thursday, January 31, 2013 – 10:40 a.m.
Session #416: Beyond the Page – Engaging Young Readers by
Vikki VanSickle
Summary = Vikki is an author and works with Harper Collins;
she shared pointers and resources that publishers have to help with book
promotions in school and public libraries.
3 Key Points
- Harper
Collins has a new website > http://harperclassroom.tumblr.com
that acts as an educator hub, containing newsletters, contests, costume
rentals, book club discussion guides (can search by author, title, or
resource type)
- Engagement
strategies include literature circles, book clubs, readers theatre, online
engagement, author visits (live & Skype)
- If
you are conducting an event, prepare the readers, prepare the author,
consider book sales and do follow-up (authors can be found and funded via
the Writer’s Union of Canada grant, Canadian Children’s Book Week,
Author’s Booking Service, author websites, and through the publisher)
So What? Now What? = There wasn’t a lot of new information
shared in this presentation for me, but I enjoyed seeing the Gruffalo come for
photo opportunities at the end. I think I need to peek at a few more publishers
to see if they have similar resources so that I’m not reinventing the wheel
during book talks.
Thursday, January 31, 2013 – 12:00 p.m.
Canadian Books for Canadian Kids ACP Luncheon
Summary = The Association of Canadian Publishers invited me
to attend a lovely 3-course meal and dine with some Canadian authors and fellow
supporters of Kid-Can-Lit. I had a delicious meal (mozzarella and lobster
ravioli) and had great conversation with Maria Martella, Sandra Ziemniak,
Gianna Dassios, and others at my table. I received a great gift bag filled with
books and the authors stayed to autograph them – thank you Sylvia McNicoll,
Cybele Young, Wallace Edwards, Rona Arato, Deborah Kerbel, and Kyo Maclear! I’m
glad that my table-hopping and mega-mingling was seen as laudable conduct by
the organizers and I promise to share the photos I took while wandering from
group to group.
Thursday, January 31, 2013 – 2:10 p.m.
Session # 500: All-Conference Plenary by Thomas Frey: The
Future of Libraries
Summary = Frey is the executive director and senior futurist
at the DaVinci Institute. While I was enroute to the talk, I was told by others
approaching from the opposite direction that there was no room, even to stand
and listen, so I chose to visit the Expo Hall instead. While there, I spoke
with Elizabeth Lee about my research project and with Katina Papulkas and Cindy
Matthews about AQ course terminology.
Thursday, January 31, 2013 – 3:45 p.m.
Session #618: You Can’t Read That! By Jo-Anne Gibson
Summary = Jo-Anne shared her unit on banned, censored, and
challenged books. She maintains that we need to nourish a respect for
intellectual freedom in our students and this unit intrigues and empowers them.
3 Key Points
Secret censorship is a regular occurrence in
libraries: Maurice Sendak’s book had underwear drawn on the naked boy in one
library’s copy, and a Todd Parr picture book had a page exacto-knifed out by
persons unknown. School librarians themselves make selective choices for
acquiring materials that can be seen as censorship – it is important for them
to follow their board/district’s selection policies and not merely follow their
own whims or insecurities.
Talking about censorship is an authentic way to
teach aspects of the curriculum that are required at this age (e.g. in
Manitoba, they study the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom in Grade 9) and
engages them in a way that none of Jo-Anne’s other units quite capture.
Telling teenagers that they are forbidden from
reading something is a sure-fire way to get them to want to read: the Canadian
Library Association conducts an annual survey to chart instances where books
are threatened with removal (the page
with this year’s links can be found at http://www.cla.ca/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Home&TEMPLATE=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENTID=13772
What? Now What? = Even though I have heard this talk before (when I attended
the Manitoba Library Association Conference in Winnipeg), it was worth hearing
again – plus, I had to attend because I was the session convenor. I plan on
teaching this unit to my Grade 7s and 8s and although I won’t use every book on
Jo-Anne’s list (Mommy Laid An Egg by
Babette Cole may just be too much for my students), I look forward to trying
the unit and discussing the results with Jo-Anne in the future.
Thursday, January 31, 2013 – 5:15 p.m.
Session #701: Ontario School Library Association Annual
General Meeting and Award Presentation / Reception
Summary = The division held its AGM and awards ceremony,
with the affair sponsored by Saunders Book Company.
3 key points
- · The winner of the Teacher-Librarian of the Year Award was June Rysinski and the winner of the Administrator of the Year Award was Troy Mackenzie
- · The winner of the OLA Technical Services Award was Deanna Harron
- · The winner of the Award for Special Achievement was Anita Brooks-Kirkland
So What? Now What? = I was surprised and honoured when June,
a good friend of mine, mentioned me in her acceptance speech (second only to
the amazing Carol Koechlin – Carol was June’s Library AQ instructor, just like
she was mine!). I had fantastic conversations with Jeanne Buckley and Joel Krentz
as we drove home together, about such varied things as house shopping and
roller derby.
Friday, February 1, 2013 – 9:05 a.m.
Session #1000: Learning Everywhere: The Transformative Power
of Hyperlinked Libraries by Michael Stephens
Summary = (paraphrased from session description) Dr. Stephens
spoke about how mobile and web technologies are changing the way we live and
learn and how libraries can play a key role in this future.
3 key points
- · Libraries should be about Cs: community, creativity, collaboration, creativity, curiosity, connectivity (a key term that emerged from the ALA mid-winter conference was “maker space” = providing a creator space place in the library, not just creating digital information but making new things, like with 3D printers)
- · Play is key: “where imaginations play, learning happens”, and things change so quickly that you can sit down and through play, learn it – he suggests fostering self-directed digital learning by having tables set up with e-readers and digital cameras where peers can sit and show how these technologies work and the result of this passport “tech fair” could be a draw for a Kindle
- · Stephens asks us to be many things: be willing to learn / be willing to explore / look inside and outside our world / be willing to listen and engage / be willing to leave our physical walls > he says we can move forward by breaking down barriers / being kind / being the change / encouraging creativity / be always learning / play / have fun / be human / watch the horizon / take risks / bring your heart with you / focus on the heart, because there are people behind the tech
What? Now What? = One of the other things Dr. Stephens said was that navigating
digital spaces can be overwhelming and digital inclusion should be the top of
the library mission statement and that the hyperlinked librarian is
continuously learning. I need to do my part to foster digital inclusion (e.g.
providing time for students who don’t have printers or Internet access or
computers at home to use the school resources) and provide “maker spaces”. His
philosophy of play matches mine – I need to make more time for students to play
in school.
Friday, February 1, 2013 – 10:40 a.m.
Session #1100: All Conference Plenary by Susan Cain:
Introvert Power
Summary = Susan Cain is the author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking
and her presentation centers on the importance of introverts.
3 key points
- · Cain highlighted three mistakes our society is making: 1) we aren’t making the most of the introvert’s heart and mind (introverts aren’t anti-collaboration, they just prefer a jigsaw method as opposed to spontaneous group work), 2) in the new group-think, we have lost the need for solitude (Einstein, a famous introvert, said “I’m not smart, I just stay with problems longer” and deep ways of thinking happen in solitude [aka JK Rowling or Warren Buffet] but there’s a push for collective process and this is bad because there’s a habit of conforming and caving to peer pressure when working together), and 3) we erroneously believe that the most assertive talkers have the best ideas (an e.g. was from Harvard, where a person’s expertise was dismissed even though he had direct experience with the topic, because he was an introvert)
- · There is evolutionary need for both introverts and extroverts (depending on the situation, for instance as studied with pumpkin seed fish, survival works for either tendency) > you can also have ambiverts (individuals with both introvert and extrovert qualities).
- · Cain has 3 suggestions: A) stop the madness for constant group work (e.g. try a hybrid process like thinking before getting together, or having individuals write their thoughts and then go around the circle to share), B) consider various styles of leadership, not just extroverts (if an introvert possesses will/drive, they can be fabulous visionary leaders, like Rosa Parks and Gandhi – the head of Campbell Soup wrote personal hand-written letters to thank people in his company), and C) rethink diversity (we know that race and gender discrimination are moral issues; she believes that personality is too and that we shouldn’t make introverts 2nd class citizens)
So What? Now What? = As an extrovert (and possibly an
ambivert), I am going to make a special effort to be considerate of my
introvert colleagues. I feel pleased that The
Teaching Librarian actually reviewed her book in a recent issue. I’ll prepare my introvert friends/spouse for
stressful situations and give them space to escape, and build in introvert-like
times so that my extrovert students can learn how to think deeply on their own,
even though extroverts have more reward networks in their brain and the excess
stimulation benefits them on a physiological level. I think this was my
favourite plenary (although many people I surveyed said their favourite was
Michael Uslan’s opening plenary, but that one was on Wednesday so I missed it).
Friday, February 1, 2013 – 12:00 noon
TDSB TL Luncheon
Summary = The tradition continues. Lisa Dempster, former
Metro Toronto OSLA Councillor, booked a table at Joe Badali’s for TDSB TLs to
eat together and enjoy each other’s company. Before eating, Denise Colby and I
wandered around the Expo Hall to promote our Superconference session on
Minecraft – I wore my Minecraft creeper costume with a sign on the back and
Denise was my “handler”, ensuring I didn’t fall or bump into people. We made it
to the restaurant in time to feast on their delicious buffet (and yummy exotic
juices) although many of the TLs were there earlier. Denise and I still had a fruitful
talk together.
Friday, February 1, 2013 – 2:10 p.m.
Session #1203: How to Make School Libraries Work (Even)
Better by Jeanne Conte, Ruth Hall, Phillip Jeffrey, & Cindy Matthews
Summary = Several top-level school library figures from
different boards described their group’s work with Together For Learning and the learning commons.
3 key points
- · Phillip said that it is difficult to isolate one component of schooling to show what is successful, but it is vital to try and show how school libraries are impacting student learning – the Hamilton Catholic DSB has a working document called “Shifting Our Focus” which is helping them align with the board improvement plan (under the component of the literacy pillar)
- · Ruth shared the “Expected Practice” series in the Toronto DSB; like the monographs published by the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat at the Ministry of Education, they are brief booklets to make it clear what departments do – the Library Dept. was the second group (after Literacy/Numeracy) in the board asked to produce one, and their focus was on the collaborative environments for teaching and learning, with core pieces being T4L, the TDSB ICT Standards, and OSLA Information Studies; it reminded the varied audience that inquiry is in all subject areas and they meshed the achievement chart with the inquiry model
- · Jeanne spoke about the collaborative teacher inquiry going on in the Peel DSB, where TLs work with class teachers on triangulating evidence of learning, tied with the Growing Success document
What? Now What? = I could not stay for the entire session, as I had to go set
up for my own presentation following. It sounds like several boards are trying
hard to make T4L a reality. I will need to hunt down the TDSB Expected Practice
mini-document and share it with as many people as possible, because my
collaborative time in my schedule is not as robust as it used to be (I had open
flexible time in addition to fixed structured time in the past, whereas this
year I only have fixed structured partner time).
Friday, February 1, 2013 – 3:45 p.m.
Session #1321: Play with TNT & Minecraft Inquiry by
Denise Colby, Diana Maliszewski & Liam O’Donnell
Summary = 3 TDSB educators talked about their Ryerson
University / EDGE Lab supported Multi-Player Minecraft server and why public
and school libraries should be embracing sandbox games like Minecraft.
3 key points
- · Gaming culture has different norms and practices around griefing, trolling, and camping (quite different from the school realm’s bullying focus) – it’s important to monitor use when playing in a public or school space but to also understand the “rules of play”.
- · Players can get very passionate about their Minecraft worlds and it’s important to be part of that play and conversation (finding places to play isn’t hard when the GamingEdus server is available for educators and their families to join – send Liam a white list request)
- · Minecraft is a chance for youth/students to take the lead, e.g. let your teen advisory committees decide on various Minecraft Club challenges (e.g. PvP in a battle arena, building the tallest tower, etc.)
So What? Now What? = This was our session so it’s hard to
comment on it objectively. The audience was a lot smaller than we expected (a
dozen people) but it was a lot more audience-receptive – we stopped using the
Powerpoint after 5 slides and helped people play on the many laptops we brought
for that purpose, and talked. We had several public librarians, a couple of
Minecraft parents with great questions (e.g. “my kid wants to make his own
server – should I let him?”) and some school people. It’s a shame that it was
only just this week that our board allowed 2012-2013 open port access during
the day (last year, it took the same amount of time – 4 months – to get
permission to open the ports) but Denise was able to share a brand-new video of
her kids building bridges in Minecraft as part of science.
Friday, February 1, 2013 – 5:15 p.m.
Summary = We had a bit of time after the session and before
the big party, so Denise, Liam, and I headed back to the Speakers Lounge to
relax and reflect. I had a great time talking with Peggy Thomas and Ruth Gretsinger
about the Forest of Reading, the law, and other catch-up topics.
Friday, February 1, 2013 – 6:15 p.m.
Session #1500: All Conference Networking Event – Circ D’OLA
Summary = It was a circus-themed party at the OLA this year.
Visitors chose which circus performer best suited their personality and then
wandered in among jugglers, magicians, and acrobats while snacking on popcorn,
cotton candy, and candy apples. There were so many people to talk to and see!
The biggest surprise of the night was when one of the magicians turned out to
be Steve, my parents’ former neighbour! I babysat his eldest son as a toddler
when his middle child was born – that oldest child is now 19! The official
party ended at 9:00 p.m. but a group of public and school librarians (Tiffany,
Teresa, Jeffrey, Denise, Joel and I) continued to celebrate with a super-late
dinner at East Side Mario’s. We conversed on topics as wide as vegetarianism
and union actions and I didn’t get home until midnight.
Saturday, February 2, 2013 – 9:15 a.m. / 10:45 a.m.
Session #1705 & #1805: Together for Learning Launch
& Showcase
Summary = www.togetherforlearning.ca
is new and improved! This double-session launched the revised website, showed
attendees how to submit new content, and gave teacher-librarians across the
province a chance to share their progress via poster sessions in a large, wi-fi
accessible room. I attended in the capacity of photographer, although I was
still able to communicate with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic DSB
teacher-librarians (Peter, Lori, and Carmen) and introduce them to Carol
Koechlin. I also had fun with a teacher-librarian just getting off maternity
leave (whose name I forget) uploading QR code reading software to our iPads and
trying it out. I had a very enlightening conversation with Peggy Lunn, which I
think will lead to some great contributions to The Teaching Librarian magazine.
Saturday, February 2, 2013 – 12:15 p.m.
Session #1900: Gala Closing Luncheon Keynote by Steven Page
Summary = He came, he saw, he sung. Steven Page, former
member of the Scarborough band Barenaked Ladies spoke at the final lunch, after
the presentation of the OLA President’s Award for Exceptional Achievement to
the team behind the OSLA Together For Learning Project.
3 key points
- It takes a dedicated team
to pull together big projects (like OLA Superconference and the Together For Learning document) – I
was honoured to be on the stage with Peggy Thomas, Anita Brooks-Kirkland,
Carol Koechlin, Esther Rosenfeld, Larry Moore, and Bobbie Henley to
receive the award - these people are giants!
- Sometimes in Canada we
want recognition but not too much recognition – it’s okay for Shania to be
an international star, but BNL received flak for playing across the border
(Page theorizes that it’s the “Ben Johnson” complex, that Canadians don’t
want to be humiliated by their representatives).
- Libraries are important to
Page (he reminisced about keeping LPs and books from the Scarborough
Public Library) and he is sad that his new home, Syracuse NY, doesn’t have
a library in walking distance (he says he never imagined leaving Canada
but that “you can’t help who you fall in love with”)
So what? Now what? = I need to re-listen to all my Barenaked
Ladies tapes. I brought one with me in the hopes that I could get Steven to
sign it, but no such luck. I sang along (quietly) when he performed “Brian
Wilson” – he’s still got a great deal of talent.
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