My husband was quite perplexed; he didn't understand why I was so upset by the scene at the restaurant and why it left me shaking and weeping afterwards. I had to explain that I have a dear friend who is large in size (with a super-large loving heart, but I digress) and I've walked with her and had total strangers hurl insults at her when she's done absolutely nothing to harm them in the least. She works for a government agency that deals with the public and she's told me stories about irate citizens who are displeased with the response she must provide who then immediately call her names related to her weight and size. How can people be so cruel?
There were many aspects that bothered me about the incident, including the fact that this woman was a mother of three children who witnessed her behaviour. What does this teach her children? If she would scream and make a public embarrassment of herself, escalating it further when the man simply said "shhh", how does she react when a person of authority tries to tell her what to do? Does she listen or respect anyone? Later that day, I read a news article about a man who punched into unconsciousness his daughter's assistant coach because he made her do laps. The really upsetting part of this article in my Yahoo news feed was when relatives of the man justified his actions. Running laps (or asking someone to calm down) does not warrant a full-scale scream-fest or a vicious assault.
Usually in school playgrounds, if something bad happens and the teacher on yard duty witnesses it or deals with it, then all parties abide by the ruling. You did something wrong, you stand by the wall or in a corner, or apologize, or do whatever, and the incident doesn't get worse - it's over. I'm lucky that at my current school, students, parents, and teachers respect each other, at least superficially. In the past, I've have had parents yell at me, question my teaching or discipline in a humiliating and disrespectful way, and conduct themselves in anti-social ways in front of their children. It's at times like those that I wish there was an "Ultimate Teacher" who could intervene, stop the insanity, and put misbehaving adults in a time-out and make it all right. Maybe there is but we get our "report card" a long time from now.
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