Tuesday, August 31, 2010

July 13, 2009 - I wanna be friends with Liz Danforth!

My spouse is a quasi-professional blogger, and as part of his blog (Grognardia), he conducts and posts interviews with key people in the early history of D&D. He printed out for me an exchange he had with Liz Danforth, who was influntial in the early days of the hobby. Other than the fact that my husband obviously enjoyed corresponding with her, what I find exciting is her invovlement with gaming and libraries. The American Libary Association just finished having its annual conference (this time in Chicago, and I appreciate Lisa Dempster sharing the Twitters that came out of the conference - quite amusing!) and the ALA has been very involved in examining gaming and libaries. Some of the stuff they've been financing have been very out-there, cutting-edge stuff. Another important figure in gaming and libraries is Beth Galloway - I had the pleasure and honour of having her as an instructor of mine with the awesome Robin Brenner in a course called "Manga, MP3s, and MMORPGs". It was a great course. I'd love to sit down with other like-minded folks and pick their brains. It can be a bit lonely and uncertain when you are the only one (or nearly the only one - I can't forget my pal over at Heather Heights Jr. P.S. who also has a school Webkinz!) who is trying a different and untried direction to teaching.

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